quackery myths

Quack Myth: PANDAS causes/is Autism

Like many myths that quacks believe or spread, real conditions that effect people are being touted at autism or a cause. PANDAS is no different. TACA and other quack organizations have their own ideas that do not stem from science on what it is and how to treat it. What is PANDAS PANDAS is an… Continue reading Quack Myth: PANDAS causes/is Autism

Quack Supplements, quackery, quackery myths

Quack Myth Exposed: The Zinc Autism Link

  What is Zinc? Zinc is a mineral called an "essential trace element" because in very small amounts, it is needed to maintain good health. Supplements are used to treat stunted growth and acute diarrhea in children, slow wound healing and Wilson's disease. There is no good scientific proof to support its use.    The… Continue reading Quack Myth Exposed: The Zinc Autism Link