emma dalmayne, In the media, Melissa Eaton, Smear Pieces

Brass Check TV (SMEAR PIECE): NBC Didn't Like the Way This Mother Healed Her Child So They Worked With Trolls to Attack Her

THE HANDIWORK OF NBC REPORTER BRANDY ZADROZNY NBC didn’t like the way this mother healed her child… So they collaborated with online trolls and an ex-husband who abandoned his autistic son to try to goad the local police into arresting her for poisoning her children. Thankfully, the police had the common sense to see through… Continue reading Brass Check TV (SMEAR PIECE): NBC Didn't Like the Way This Mother Healed Her Child So They Worked With Trolls to Attack Her

In the media, Smear Pieces

Kerri Rivera Troll Watch

Troll Watch Investigators Seeking Information July 8th, 2019 / Kerri If you have been a victim of any of these people described below, please write me with details including screen shots. We are gathering this material for investigators who are looking into these people kerri@kerririvera.com What follows may be shocking and unbelievable. Unfortunately for the victims –… Continue reading Kerri Rivera Troll Watch

emma dalmayne, In the media, Melissa Eaton, Smear Pieces

The Truth about Chlorine Dioxide Hall of Shame

They couldn't even get the details about me right. ::eye roll:: Hall of Shame “It is a simple hustle. Someone pays me. I manufacture a story for them and we trade it up the chain – from a tiny blog to Gawker to a website of a local news network to the Huffington Post to the major newspapers to… Continue reading The Truth about Chlorine Dioxide Hall of Shame