Awareness Days, Discrimination, Growing up undiagnosed, queerphobia

National Coming Out day

October 11 is National Coming Out Day. You can be lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, non-binary, transgender, asexual, queer, or anything in between. It is time to be proud of who you are and your support for queer equality and National Coming Out Day. Over 70% of autistics identify as queer. History This day was inspired… Continue reading National Coming Out day

Discrimination, Growing up undiagnosed, queerphobia

After You Come Out, You See Obvious Signs In Your Past

Coming out of the LGBTQIA closet is just as hard as coming out of the autistic one. You are afraid people will judge you and not see you for who you are. Coming out of the LGBTQIA closet was really hard because how I was treated in middle school and high school. Growing up, I… Continue reading After You Come Out, You See Obvious Signs In Your Past

ADHD, autistic culture, comorbidities, Disability Hacks, Growing up undiagnosed

Disability Hacks: How to Get a Free ADHD/Autism Evaluation if You are in the United States

Diagnosis access is almost impossible in the United States. Insurance does not cover, a lot of people are uninsured or the evaluations are just for children. A lot of people are not lucky like I was to get an ADHD diagnosis in the 80's. I was able to get a free free evaluation on Social… Continue reading Disability Hacks: How to Get a Free ADHD/Autism Evaluation if You are in the United States

ABA, Growing up undiagnosed

Its OK Not to Be OK, Especially On Mother’s Day

Not everyone has a great relationship with their parents and that's ok. It's hard to love yourself as a parent when you had some pretty bad ones growing up and you grew up in a toxic environment and I want you to know it's ok not to be ok. I did not have the best… Continue reading Its OK Not to Be OK, Especially On Mother’s Day

autistic culture, Disability Hacks, Growing up undiagnosed

Helping a Neurodivergent Child or Adult with Aggression

*I am not saying forgo mediation, always take medication as prescribed by your physician* Aggression is a much talked about topic in parent groups but not so much in autistic led spaces, or at least in my experience. Aggression is something that a lot of neurodivergent people experience. I experienced it and learned to channel… Continue reading Helping a Neurodivergent Child or Adult with Aggression